06 February 2012

वेलायतको Farnborough मा नेपालीहरुको सकारात्मक सामाजिक दृढता

This is a wonderful move initiated by some wise community front runners. I used to think about this long ago. In fact I did some move regarding this thoughts. It is never too late to start doing a good think. Please watch the video below: We should thank every one involved in this cause, especially Maniram Rai who brought this wonderful news to light. भुतपुर्व गोर्खाहरुलाई बेलायतमा बसोवास गर्न सक्ने इजाजत प्राप्त भए पछि बेलायतको अन्य ठाउँहरुको तुलनात्मक हिसाबले Rushmoor Borough Cocil को Farnborough र Aldershot मा अत्यधिक नेपालीहरुको बसोवास रहेको छ । केहि समय अगाडि यस ठाउँमा स्थानिय नेपाली र अंग्रेज युवाहरु विच झपड भएको नकारात्मक समाचार समेत प्रकाशमा आएको थियो । This Is The Shot Video Highlights Of United Rushmoor (Best Of Both) Which Is Organised By British Living In The Rushmoor, UK. Its Main Purpose Is To Get Together Along With British And Nepali Youth, Where They Shared Food, Culture, Ideas, To Make A Bridge Between British And Nepali's Friendship Between Them. To Clear The Misunderstand Between Both.
थप जानकारीहरुको लागि Please visit http://www.gurkhas.com

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