22 December 2011

Recent Activities of UBGEA.

The Gurkhas have served the British Army with utmost loyalty, honesty and sincerity tor the last two hundred years. They have fought for the British interest all over the world in almost every conflict, operations and major wars, winning thirteen Victoria Crosses for gallantry. Over 155,000 Gurkhas have
died fighting for Britain around the World including the 1st and 2nd World Wars. The sacrifice for Britain continues to this day in Iraq and Afghanistan. Despite all these sacrifices and a treaty that states that the Gurkhas should be treated in equal footing in terms of Pay, Promotions and other facilities, the successive UK Governments have ignored the call for equality. Gurkhas are paid 1/6th of the pension paid to their British and the Commonwealth counterparts. Due to the continued ignorance by the British Government to give the Gurkhas the equal treatment that is overdue, the United Brithsh Gurkhas Ex-Servicemen's Association feels it is high time that the Campaign for justice be taken to the British public once more in the form of "SIGNATURE CAMPAIGN" to put public pressure on the current coalition government to treat the Gurkhas exactly like their British and Commenwealth counterparts. Please watch some of the Videos: UBGEA Meet Unite the Union: Justice for Gurkhas Part One: Justice for Gurkhas Part Two: Justice for Gurkhas Part Three: Justice for Gurkhas Part Four:

1 comment:

  1. Bhai Gopal,

    Thanks and this is great. I appreciate your continued support through your youtube and blogs. I am also very impressed with the knowledge you have on editing, uploading and displaying video clips. Great work and please keep it up. Thanks from all at UBGEA.

    Deepak Maskey
